KOA postponed to 2022!

Today, we have to come up with very sad news and inform you that Kaltenbach Open Air 2021 is postponed to 2022.

In fact, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the consequential situation in terms of unpredictable restrictions (limitations, border closings, vaccine or test control scenarios, etc.) make it almost impossible to run our beloved festival the way we want to run it and of course the way you deserve it. In consideration of the current situation, an event including hundreds of fans and bands from all over the world is not very likely to happen and therefore we made the tough decision to postpone our 15th anniversary to 18-20 August 2022. Maybe other promoters are going to delay their very own decisions again and again but we truly do not see a point in it and therefore we made this hard but honest decision timely.

Anyway, of course, we know the whole thing sucks but we are already planning alternate scenarios without live bands and will keep you informed as soon as our government releases further instructions or regulations in terms of summer seasonal events. If something is possible, we will go for it and party with you like hell. But now it is time to lick our wounds and fight back later with BOOZE and METAL!

For already bought tickets, please return your tickets where bought in order to get a full refund. No vouchers, only cash is real! Please check your mail boxes for further information within the next days.

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay METAL!