It’s finally time to announce the news that many of you have been waiting for: THANK YOU for a brilliant festival in 2024 and WE’LL MEET AGAIN IN 2025!
Above all many thanks to our K:O:A CREW and HELPERS – you are the heart of this event and we will celebrate together again!
Back to K:O:A 2025 – why another year? Despite all adversities, many of you have remained loyal to us, have peacefully “stormed” our grounds like in previous years, driven our bar staff to positive despair and once again encouraged us as organizers to continue our path together with you: the K:O:A was, is and will remain a festival by fans for fans!
And in order to continue to guarantee this, we will have a lot to deal with and think about in the coming weeks, but we will continue to communicate openly and honestly with you via our official channels in the future.
We have already come up with something on the subject of feedback together with the MoreMetal team and, as promised, will provide detailed feedback on all topics. But this time in audiovisual form so that we can go into the points in even more detail.
In the next few days, our organization team will meet again to determine the direction for K:O:A 2025 and also decide on any necessary changes.
But don’t worry, K:O:A will continue to be the small and fine underground extreme metal festival, we will just follow this path more consistently and strengthen our roots even further.
With that in mind, many metal thanks again to you maniacs out there, see you next year at the metal mountain!